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Crypto depositsReceive (deposit) crypto from an external addressCryptocurrency networksSupported cryptocurrencies, networks, and exchanges for crypto depositsDo I have an individual cryptocurrency wallet?Pending crypto depositsReturn or manage crypto depositsCan't see my deposit in-appFailed crypto deposits
Crypto withdrawals Send (withdraw) crypto to an external addressCrypto withdrawal limitsCrypto withdrawal feesFailed crypto withdrawalsPending crypto withdrawalsAdd a new wallet to withdraw cryptoCryptocurrencies and networks available for withdrawalsWhy do I need to name the wallet owner for withdrawals?How to ensure my crypto is transferred successfully?
Migration of crypto servicesCrypto migration to Revolut Digital Assets Europe Ltd (RDAEL)Who is providing cryptocurrency products during the migration period?What happens if I don't submit the required information before the deadline or want to opt out of the crypto migration?Why am I being migrated to another Revolut entity for Revolut Ramp?