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Am I eligible for Travel Insurance?

Our Travel Insurance policy is provided as a benefit with Metal and Ultra plans.

You don’t have to use your Revolut account to pay for the trip to be eligible for the coverage.

Coverage requirements:

  • You must be a resident of the UK or the EEA (excluding Gibraltar and Switzerland).
  • Minimum 18 years of age.
  • Your primary residence complies with the address of your Revolut account.
  • Your journey meets the definition of a trip.

Eligible children (including the stepchildren, foster children, adopted children or children currently in the adoption process) must be a maximum 17 years of age at the time of a travel. Children must travel with account holder.

Spouse or cohabitant coverage requirements for Metal and Ultra customers:

  • A spouse by marriage, domestic partnership or civil union.
  • A cohabitant is a person you've lived with for at least 12 consecutive months and is at least 18 years of age
  • They must travel with the account holder.
  • Their primary residence complies with the country address of the Revolut account holder.
  • They're travelling on a journey that meets the definition of a trip.

Check your insurance policy in-app, tap 'Lifestyle' in the bottom menu → 'Insure' → 'Travel' → select a type → 'All documents'.

👉 Travel insurance isn't included in the Premium plan benefits from 3rd October 2023 for Cyprus.