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I want to cancel my transfer to a card

Transfers made by mistake

If you've made a mistake, such as sending funds to the wrong card, a duplicate transaction, or an incorrect amount, the fastest way to correct the transfer is to ask the recipient to return it to you. Alternatively, you can try to download the transfer confirmation and share it with the recipient's bank and ask them to return the transfer. Learn how to download the confirmation in this article.

Revolut can also initiate this process, but it's lengthy and requires approval from the recipient's bank. If the recipient or bank refuses to assist, we won't be able to get the transfer back.

Suspected transfer fraud

If you suspect the card transfer you sent was directed to a fraudulent source:

  • Go to 'Home' on the bottom menu
  • Search for the transfer in your transaction history
  • Tap on 'Get help'
  • Select the option 'Report this transfer as fraud' for further guidance