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Change or cancel my subscription

How do I change or cancel my subscription plan?

  1. Go to Settings by clicking on your profile in the top left corner
  2. Open Billing
  3. Click Change plan to view and select the plan you'd like to change to
  4. Choose from annual or monthly payment options
  5. Start your plan instantly or schedule it for the end of the current billing cycle

How do I set up the Enterprise plan?

If you’re thinking of switching to our Enterprise plan, select the plan and book a call with our sales team, where we can create a custom plan for your business.

Notice about the Metal cards

If you’re downgrading your plan, and the plan doesn’t offer a free Metal card, you must pay 57.99 EUR (or equivalent currency) for any complimentary Metal card issued within the last 3 months. Alternatively, you can wait until after 3 months of the Metal cards being issued, you can downgrade your plan then and keep the Metal cards without any fees.

We’re confident that you’ll love your Revolut Business account, but if you decide it’s not for you, you can close your account at any time. You won’t be charged any account termination fee. To learn more, please see our article on closing your account.