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Change my address

Address is in Japan

To change the address in Japan, please reach out to us on chat. Check this FAQ to learn how to do it.

Before the change, you'll be asked to provide a photo of yourself while holding either your driving licence, MyNumber card, or residence card. This is to verify your identity, so please make sure that your face and ID are both fully visible, and that the picture is clear. Your Revolut card won't be accepted as a valid ID.

Additionally, you will be asked to provide Proof of Address.

Acceptable documents for Proof of Address:

  • Drivers License or Certification of Driving History - Both sides if the new address is on the back
  • [Non-JP nationals only] Residence Cardor Special Permanent Resident Certificate - Both sides if the new address is on the back
  • My Number Card - Front side only (Please upload the front side of the document ONLY where the new address is provided, as your MyNumber number is sensitive information)
  • Copy of Certificate of Residence - issued within 6 months. Please mask Permanent Domicile, My Number, and Certificate of Residence Code
  • Utility Bill Receipt (Telephone bill (landline only), Electric bill, Water bill, Gas bill) - Issued within 6 months
  • National or local tax receipt or tax payment certificate - Issued within 6 months
  • Social insurance premium receipt - Issued within 6 months

Address is outside of Japan

If you are moving out of the country, you will need to close your Revolut account in order to open a new one in a supported country. You cannot have multiple accounts nor retain your current account if you are no longer a resident.

  1. Go to your 'Profile' on top left of the screen
  2. Tap 'Account'
  3. Select 'Close account'

Follow the prompts required for account closure, including removing all balances and waiting for pending transactions to complete.