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Where can I submit the My Number document?

How can I submit the My Number document?

You can submit your My Number either by clicking on the notification that you receive when your transfer fails, or you can chat to us.

Which My Number documents does Revolut accept?

To verify My Number, we accept any of the following:

What are the differences between My Number Card and My Number Notification Card?

My Number Card is a plastic photo ID card that contains an IC chip, and the bearer’s name, address, date of birth, sex, and the Individual Number are displayed on it.

It can be used for identity verification as well as to receive a wide range of services, including municipality services and electronic applications using the electronic certificate such as e-Tax. My Number Card has an expiration date, which is listed in the front side of the card. You will need to apply to have the card issued.

My Number Notification Card is a simple paper slip with your Individual Number on it that you can use to request the official My Number Card, or use it as a proof of your individual number.

My Number Notification Card does not have a photo and cannot be used as a photo ID. There is no expiration date on My Number Notification Card. The Notification Card is delivered by registered mail after you register your Resident Record at your local municipal office.