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Currency exchange fees and limits

Fair usage fees

Depending on your plan, there's a threshold of exchanges that can be made with no additional fees during the weekdays. This limit is called a fair usage limit.

  • Standard: 0.5% fee charged for exchanges over 750,000 JPY or equivalent
  • Premium & Metal: No exchange fees on weekdays

The fair usage limit applies to all fiat currency, and commodity exchanges, including exchanges made automatically at the time of a transaction. Your fair usage limit resets every month.

To check your usage and reset date, tap your profile icon in the top-left corner and select 'Your plan'.

Weekend mark up fees

All customers, regardless of their plan, will be charged a 1% fee on all exchanges made on the weekend between 5pm Eastern Standard Time (EST) Friday and 6pm EST Sunday.

Currency exchange limits

You can perform up to 100 exchanges within a 24-hour period. The limit includes currency exchange, and commodity exchange.

As a Funds Transfer Business, Revolut Japan is legally required to cap each transaction at JPY 1,000,000 (or the equivalent in other currencies) – this cap is applicable to all plans. For commodities, you can exchange up to a limit of JPY 1,000,000 (or an equivalent value in other currencies) per transaction.

When buying and selling precious metals, fees will apply based on your plan. For detailed information on these fees, refer to this article.