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What is spousal consent, and why is it required for me to start investing?

If you're a citizen or tax resident of Lithuania, and are married, we'll need your spouse to confirm that they consent to you trading.

This is a specific requirement set out in the Lithuanian Civil Code. Securities held with Revolut are considered the joint property of you and your spouse. As a result, the law requires you to obtain your spouse's consent before you can make any transactions related to investment products.

How your spouse can provide consent in-app

To do this, your spouse will need a Revolut account. After you start the trading onboarding process, your spouse will receive a request for their approval through their Revolut app.

How you can provide spousal consent directly via chat

It is possible for you to provide spousal consent on their behalf. There are 2 ways you can do this:

  • Via the state registry: This method allows you to provide consent without requiring your spouse to create a Revolut account. You'll need to reach out to us through our in-app chat to do this. Read this file for more detailed instructions
  • Provide required documents via chat: To do this, you'll need to have the relevant documents outlined below

Required documents:

  • A prenuptial or post-marriage agreement determining the ownership rights of financial instruments
  • A notarised power of attorney authorising you to engage in financial instrument transactions
  • Valid proof of divorce (court decision or extract from local registers)

If your spouse doesn't have Revolut, you should select 'What if my spouse does not have Revolut?' instead of 'Continue' when onboarding to trading.