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How do I confirm my email?

In order to receive all the important communications from Revolut and keep your account functional, you will need to verify your email address.

How to verify an e-mail address?

  1. Go to your Profile by tapping on the profile icon in the top left corner in the app
  2. Select “Account” and then “Personal details”
  3. Enter your email address and follow the instructions provided in the app
  4. Go to the email account on your mobile device and tap the link provided to you by us

iOS: links should be opened in Safari

Android: links should be opened in the same profile in which you have your Revolut app (if you have a separate Work Profile).

Email not received?

Check your spam folder (Gmail users may receive it in the "Offer" or "Promotions" tab).

The 'Verify' button is not working?

  • Close all tabs in your browser
  • Long-press the 'Verify' button and paste the link in a browser, e.g. Chrome, Safari