How can I download trading statements and reports?
Trading account statements contain the following information:
- Account holder details (name and address)
- Account summary
- Portfolio breakdown
- Transactions
To get the statement type described above:
- Go to 'Invest' on the bottom menu
- Tap 'More(…)' and select 'Documents'
- Choose 'Stocks' and select 'Account' statement
Costs & Charges reports contain the following information:
- Account holder details (name and address)
- Account value
- Account name
- Account number
- Cost and charges related to investment services
- Costs and charges related to financial instruments
To get the Cost & Charges report:
- Go to 'Invest' on the bottom menu
- Tap 'More(...)' and select 'Documents''
- Choose 'Stocks' and select 'Cost & Charges Report'
We don’t issue hard copy documents nor provide stamps on requested documents; all statements and confirmation documents are electronically generated.