Come possiamo aiutarti?

Digita la tua domanda qui sotto e ti risponderemo.

Il mio conto è stato soggetto a restrizioni o chiuso

Restricted account

We may restrict your account for various reasons, such as an incomplete identity verification, unverified source of funds, or outdated tax information. For a full list of reasons, refer to our Personal Terms.

If we need additional information from you, you'll receive an email. We'll also let you know if there's a due date for submitting these details.

Reinstatement steps for restricted account

If your account has been temporarily restricted, we recommend:

  • Following the in-app prompts to provide any missing information
  • Making sure any uploaded documents are clear, valid, and not expired
  • Having recent transaction documents ready for potential verification

If your account was restricted and you were charged for a paid plan, reach out to Revolut Support via the in-app chat for assistance.

Closed account

Failure to provide information may result in account closure. If we need to close your account, we'll inform you via e-mail at least 60 days in advance.

Review the Personal Terms to find out more about possible reasons your account may be closed.