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Enable contactless and online payments

Enable online payments

  • Go to 'Cards'
  • Select your relevant physical card and 'Settings'
  • Scroll down and enable the 'Online transactions' toggle

Only the cardholder can enable online payments.

Enable card contactless payments

  • Go to 'Cards'
  • Select your relevant physical card and 'Settings'
  • Scroll down and enable the 'Contactless payments' toggle

Only the cardholder can enable contactless payments.

Contactless limits

These are the limits applied to contactless payments:

  • Single contactless transactions can't exceed £50
  • Total contactless transactions can’t exceed £300

Once your total transaction limit has been met, you must reset the limit to keep spending with contactless. To reset it in-app:

  • Go to 'Cards'
  • Select your relevant physical card
  • Select 'Settings' and 'Reset limit'