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Metal cards

Business Metal cards are debit cards you can order for you or your team members linked to your Revolut Business account with our Grow, Scale, or Enterprise plan.

  • Metal cards are a unique addition to Grow, Scale, and Enterprise plans and as such don't include any insurance or other benefits
  • Metal cards are shipped using an express delivery method, making sure you won't have to wait longer than 3 days
  • Currently we offer two colours for Metal cards (black and gold)
  • If you run out of your free Metal cards allowance, you can still get more of them at a cost of EUR 57.99 (or currency equivalent) each

Downgrading or closing your account

You’ll need to pay EUR 57.99 (or currency equivalent) for any free Metal card issued within the last 3 months if you’re:

  • Downgrading your plan to one with fewer complementary Metal cards
  • Closing your account