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Certification of corporate structure documents

Certification of proof documents

If documents provided can't be verified using an unpaid public source, then we may ask for certified documents.

The following requirements must be met for the outlined certified document(s):

  • Cap table should be certified as true content and signed by: a notary, an external qualified lawyer, solicitor, advocate / a law firm incorporated in EEA, a certified accountant registered with a professional body within EEA, an external auditor or other certifying officers that are equivalent to a notary in a jurisdiction and dated in the last 12 months
  • KVK registry extract (Uittreksel Handelsregister): accepted if digitally certified


Electronic or digitally signed documents must include:

  • The name of the signee
  • The date on which the electronic signature was added
  • A digital signature certificate or certificate number

Apostille certificate

An Apostille is a certificate that authenticates the use of a document in different countries. The Apostille is attached to the original document to verify its legitimacy and to authenticate it.

The Apostille will only be required if you use the power of attorney as the way to prove your right to set up and manage the account in your company's name (in the event that you aren't a director or beneficial owner of your company). A list of authorities where you can get Apostille can be found here.