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Technical issues with identity verification

Camera not working during video selfie upload

To upload a video selfie from the mobile app, you'll need to enable camera and microphone access from your device settings for the Revolut Business app and make sure you have the latest version of the app installed.

If you're applying on the website, your camera and microphone access needs to be enabled for the browser you are using. If the difficulty persists, try a different browser.

How to take a video selfie for identity verification

  1. Update your mobile app to the latest version
  2. Position your camera at eye level
  3. Start recording your front face and slowly turn it to the sides
  4. Read aloud the numbers you see on-screen as prompted
  5. Make sure you're the only person visible in the video
  6. The video should be clear, in colour, and taken in real-time (not pre-recorded)

Difficulties uploading documents

  • Update your Revolut Business app to the latest version
  • Make sure the document is clear and readable — blurry documents won't be accepted
  • Capture the entire document. Don't fold, crop, or exclude any part of the document
  • Upload a photo of the physical document
  • We can't accept pictures taken of copies, scans, or device screens