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Make a Stays booking

Make a new booking

  • Go to 'RevPoints' on the bottom menu of the Revolut app
  • Tap 'Stays'
  • Enter the city, dates, and number of guests
  • Tap 'Search'
  • Filter and choose a property
  • Choose your room and complete your booking

Don’t navigate away until you see a pop-up confirming that your booking is successful.

Pay for the booking

Choose either 'Pay now' or 'Pay at the property', depending on the options available for that property.

  • Pay now: Rooms require you to pay for the booking immediately, using your main currency account. You’ll instantly get RevPoints
  • Pay at property: Choose the 'Pay at property' option to complete your reservation and pay upon arrival. Choose which Revolut card to reserve the room with. Use your Revolut card to pay at the property to earn RevPoints

Stays T&Cs apply.