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Bonds fees

Commission is charged from the first trade at a rate of 0.25% or €1 per trade (whichever is higher) for Standard, Plus, Premium, Metal, Ultra, and Trading Pro customers.

No other fee is applicable for bond trades:

  • Commission-free trades as per your plan don't apply to bonds
  • There are no custody fees for bonds
  • There are no repayment fees

For more information on applicable fees, you can refer to our Ex-Ante Costs & Charges Disclosure page. You can sell a bond after you’ve bought it, without waiting for its maturity. Just like with stocks, the price of the bond can fluctuate, which means you're exposed to potential gains or losses when selling. For more information on the risks associated with financial instrument transactions, consult our Description of Services, Financial Instruments and Risks page.

If you're a customer of Revolut Trading Ltd., you won't currently have access to bonds. To see which Revolut Trading Entity is your service provider, check out this FAQ in our Help Centre.