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Maximum active cards

The number of active cards you can have at any one time depends on the card type:

  • Physical: 6 active cards (each account type can have up to 6 separate physical cards. For example, if you have a credit account, you can hold 6 physical cards for your main account and an additional 6 physical cards for the credit account)
  • Virtual: 20 active cards
  • Virtual single-use: 1 active card

You can only create 5 new virtual cards a month, including single-use cards. After you exceed this limit, you'll need to wait 30 days before you can create a new virtual card, even if you haven't exceeded your active limit.

When you order a new physical card, your current card will remain active until the last business day of its expiration month. If you want to destroy it earlier, you can deactivate the card in-app:

  • Choose the card in your cards list
  • Tap 'Settings'
  • Scroll down and select 'Terminate card'

Always cut through the magnetic strip and chip when disposing of old cards.