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Bank transfer basicsHow to transfer funds to RevolutHow to transfer money from RevolutWhat account details should I use for incoming transfers?Bank transfer feesI can't send a transfer or create a recipientUnsupported transfers sent from RevolutUnsupported inbound bank transfersWhat's Revolut's official name and address?Can I receive large amounts of money into my Revolut account?
Other issues with bank transfersWhy was the transfer to my account reverted?Why was my outbound bank transfer reverted?I want to cancel a bank transferWhy did I receive less money?Why did my recipient receive less money?Why is my transfer to a bank account still pending?Report a fraudulent transferI received a transfer from an unknown senderI was asked for additional information about my transaction
Transfers between Revolut customersSend or request money from other Revolut customersRevtagsGroupsAre there limits for sending a transfer to another Revolut customer?Block or report another Revolut customerI'm unable to send money to another Revolut customerI sent a transfer to the wrong Revolut customerHow to split a bill with a Revolut userMy transfer to/from another Revolut customer wasn't receivedMy transfer to another Revolut customer is pending