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Authorised Push Payment fraud reimbursement eligibility

Who is eligible?

The Authorised Push Payment (APP) protections apply to all UK consumers, including individuals, charities, and microenterprises¹.

What types of payment are eligible?

  • Payments made to a UK account number and sort code
  • Instant fiat currency (GBP, EUR, etc.) transfers from your UK Revolut account to another Revolut account

What's the maximum I can claim?

You're eligible to be reimbursed for all claims up to £85,000.

Is there an excess on my reimbursement?

We'll apply a £100 excess per claim for all potential losses.

Can I apply for reimbursement on old transactions?

Only transactions made on or after 7 October 2024 will be eligible for reimbursement. You must raise a claim no later than 13 months after the last suspected fraudulent transaction.

If we assess that you were a vulnerable customer at the time of the APP scam payment, and this affected your ability to protect yourself from the scam, we won't apply an excess and the Consumer Standard of Caution doesn't apply.

¹A microenterprise is a business with no more than 10 employees or less than £2m in revenue.