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Editing a team member's access to a currency account

Add or remove access to a specific currency account

  1. Go to 'Home' and select the account
  2. Click the 3 dots '(...)' and go to 'Account settings'
  3. Choose 'Account access' option and 'Manage'
  4. Select or unselect a team member and click 'Update to save changes'

Manage access of a specific team member to currency accounts

  1. Go to 'Team' tab and select the team member
  2. On the side panel, choose 'Accounts'
  3. You can add or delete access to specific currency account by clicking on 'Manage'

Other important information

  • If a team member has a role with the permissions to 'View all accounts', then you won't be able to remove their access to individual accounts directly. To do so, refer to the following FAQ
  • To add or remove a team member from a currency account, you'll need to have permission to add, remove and manage all accounts