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Waarom kan ik geen geld toevoegen met een gekoppelde rekening?

If a transfer to your Revolut account fails, you'll receive a notification, and the funds will not move from your linked account to your Revolut account. There can be a number of reasons for this, including, but not limited to:

  • Account name mismatch: You can only add money with linked accounts if the name of your external account is the exact same as the one in your Revolut account. You can either change the name on your Revolut account (tap here to know how), or on your linked bank account.
  • Insufficient funds in your linked account: Verify your current balance in the linked account, and add more funds if necessary.
  • Linked account is no longer approved for use by Revolut: Our connection to your bank only lasts 90 days. Once your 90-day access has expired, head over to the 'Linked accounts' section, and hit the re-authenticate button to reauthorise the 90 day access.