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How can I verify the nature of business of my new business?

If your business was incorporated less than 180 days from the date of signing up for a Revolut Business account, we can accept the following proof documents (during the application process only).

Accepted proof for new businesses

One of the following:

  • A business plan (preferable, see our template)
  • An investor pitch in the form of a document or a PowerPoint presentation

Document requirements

Your document must include the following:

  • The products and/or services you offer
  • An operational plan for the business detailing the following: suppliers, partners, distributors, government authorities, contractors, retailers, etc. (if applicable) that will support delivery of your products and services

Other proof methods

You can also provide us with any of the proof methods described in this FAQ.

You have the option to delay your proof of nature of business verification, if necessary. To learn more, visit this FAQ.