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Joint account transfers

Receive bank transfers to your joint account

To receive a bank transfer to your joint account, you'll need to provide the sender with your joint account details.

To view your joint account details in the Revolut app:

  • Go to 'Home' on the bottom menu
  • Below your balance, tap 'Accounts'
  • Select your joint account
  • Tap 'More' and 'Details'

You can also share your account details with your employer to receive your salary in the joint account.

Send a bank transfer

To transfer money and schedule payments in-app:

  • Go to 'Payments' on the bottom menu
  • Choose the recipient, the amount from your joint account balance, and the frequency
  • Review the payment and proceed

Transfers to other Revolut customers

  • Go to 'Home' on the bottom menu
  • Below your balance, tap 'Accounts'
  • Select your joint account
  • Tap 'More' and 'Send'
  • Choose the recipient and the amount

On the recipient's end, they'll see that the transaction was sent from your personal account instead of the joint account. This is because your joint account doesn’t have a username. Nonetheless, the amount will be deducted from your joint account.