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Everyday protection insuranceEveryday protection insurance coverageEveryday protection insurance claimWhat's not covered under everyday protection insurance?What items are eligible for purchase and refund protection?Do I need to satisfy deductibles to claim?When does the ticket cancellation protection not cover me?When does the purchase protection not cover me?When does the refund protection not cover me?Meer hulp met Dagelijkse Bescherming
Ultra annuleringsbescherming voor reizen en evenementenGetting started with Ultra trip and event cancellation protectionHow do I make an Ultra trip and event cancellation protection claim?Meer hulp bij de Ultra-bescherming bij annulatie van reizen en eventsWhat is a trip?What is an event?My supplier won’t let me cancel my trip/event. Am I covered with Ultra trip and event cancellation protection?Am I covered by Ultra trip cancellation protection if I need to cancel a flight while abroad?How do I make a complaint about Ultra trip and event cancellation protection?Ultra: annulering van reis en evenement met dekking voor reisgenootHow do I get an update on an Ultra trip and event cancellation protection existing claim?Am I covered for trips or events that I didn't purchase with my Revolut account with Ultra trip and event cancellation protection?What are the limits of cover and deductibles with Ultra trip and event cancellation protection?Heeft verhuizen invloed op de Ultra-reis- en evenementendekking?